Anchorage Alaska Halibut Fishing & sightseeing Cruises Alaska Black Bear & Brown Bear Hunting • Deer & Goat Hunting

ONLY 60 Miles From Anchorage

Get Licence Here
Day Trip Fishing
day trips call 907-373-7447
Alaska Fishing Packages / Adventure Cruises
Multiday trips 907-715-7447
Boat Based Hunts - Hunter Drop Offs
HUNTING, Call David @ 907-715-7447


QUESTIONS MORNING OF YOUR CHARTER- call Captain Dave @ (907) 982-0747


Day trip charters begin boarding at 6:45 am and are scheduled to depart 7:10 am
Drive time from south Anchorage is at least 1 hour if there is no construction or other delays - Alaska has two seasons, winter and construction season!!!
Making it to south Anchorage/Potters Marsh area by 5:15 a.m. is recommended.
Return time is usually 5:30 pm plus or minus a half hour.  


Day trip charters begin boarding at 6:45 am and are scheduled to depart 7:10 am
Drive time from south Anchorage is at least 1 hour if there is no construction or other delays - Alaska has two seasons, winter and construction season!!!
Making it to south Anchorage/Potters Marsh area by 5:15 a.m. is recommended.
Return time is usually 5:30 pm plus or minus a half hour.  


In the parking lot there are signs that indicate permit parking. Scan the QR code to pay for parking.
An alternative is to visit , click on Departments then Harbor, then scroll down to “Passport Parking.” This can be done at the harbor or before you arrive or once you get to the boat if you are running late- take a picture of your license plate.


We DO NOT have an office on the waterfront.  Fool's Gold is located almost directly behind the white USCG caboose.
Proceed to the gangway (pedestrian ramp to docks) near the middle of the harbor- about 200 feet to the right of the caboose.
At the bottom of the gangway go left, then right for a few feet, then left. Stay on the concrete docks, don’t go onto the wooden docks.
When you get to the T, Fool's Gold will be facing you, slightly to the left.  
Most days a crew member will be at the top of the gangway to direct you to the boat. 

If you have not located the boat by 7 a.m. call or text Capt. Dave at (907) 982-0747 or you may be left behind.  NO REFUNDS if you miss the boat.


Fishing License
Fishing licenses should be purchased before you arrive. They are not available in Whittier unless purchased online.
Fishing licenses are required for non-residents 16+ years old, Alaska residents 18+years old

King Salmon Stamp
King salmon stamps are optional.

King salmon are caught incidental to silver salmon fishing. Silver salmon fishing is generally July 15-August 25. If you booked a halibut charter and the boat limits on halibut we may try for salmon on the way in if time allows.

Check with the Captain the day of the charter to see if we have been fishing for salmon and catching kings. Stamps can be purchased online the day of your charter.
Purchasing one stamp for multiple people or purchasing a stamp AFTER catching a king is not an option.
Licenses and stamps available online @
or at stores in Anchorage including Cabelas, Sportsman Warehouse and Walmart.
Resident Annual Fishing License $20
King Salmon stamp $10
Non-resident one-day fishing license $15.
King Salmon stamp $15.

Other prices available at 

You may print a copy of your license and physically sign it or download an electronic version to your phone and sign the license by utilizing tools available through your mobile device.

It must be signed and in your possession to be legal.

You need to be able to present your license to us so we can record license information. If boarded by law enforcement, you need to be able to present your SIGNED license for verification.

Halibut Stamp- Starting 2026

Halibut stamps are normally paid for in advance when you book. The crew will assign a stamp to you when you provide your fishing license to them the morning of your charter.

Food & Drinks

We DO NOT provide food or drinks on day trip fishing charters, except bottled water.

Sack/box lunches are available to be purchased at the following businesses the day prior. Make sure you know where the business is so you can pick your lunches up timely the day of your charter.

Wild Catch Café  907-472-2252
Lazy Otter Charters, or 907-694-6887. 

Alcohol in moderation is permitted but not provided. If you get noticeably intoxicated while fishing, you may spend the rest of your day in the cabin for everyone’s safety, including yours.

There is room aboard for small coolers, up to 48 quarts for exclusive groups.


Our crew will clean, fillet your fish, place them in plastic bags and ice them. We do not process your catch for shipping.

Fee's Custom Seafoods is available at the harbor to vacuum pack, freeze and ship your catch. Getting it done while you wait isn’t going to happen. 907-472-5055

Indian Valley Meats, between Whittier and Anchorage, also processes fish 907-653-7511

If you are going to take your catch with you, it is best to have a cooler in your vehicle to place the fish in.  Icing your catch is recommended.  Ice is available in Whittier at Whittier Boat Rental LLC and the Harbor Store.


Weather on the water is usually cooler than on land and you will be exposed to the elements when fishing. Layered clothing is recommended, including rain gear.  Good news is 60 degrees in Alaska feels like 70 elsewhere. 

If you'd like to check the weather, search National Weather Service Marine Forecast FZAK51 PAFC then scroll down to Passage Canal and the three Prince William Sound areas.

We also check weather buoys and other sources to best determine the conditions we might encounter.

When weather is severe enough to cancel your charter, we will make that decision as soon as we can. It is often difficult to determine if seas will be enough of a concern to cancel a charter before the morning of the charter.

On days that we decide the day of the charter we TRY to make that determination in enough time that you won’t have to drive to Whittier that day. Weather forecasts are predictions. We often have to make decisions based on a combination of forecast and actual conditions at the time with the information we have available.


If we cancel due to weather or other reasons, you will receive 100% refund or be re-booked to another day if possible.

If we depart the harbor and return due to weather/rough seas, refunds will be based on time.  If we return within one hour, full refunds.  If we return within 3 hours and don't fish, 75% refunds.  If we make it to the fishing grounds but don’t fish 50% refunds. Once we start fishing we don’t offer refunds, even if we have to leave early.


The Inn at Whittier: 907-472-3200  On the waterfront at the harbor. Has a bar and restaurant.

Anchor Inn: 907-472-354 or 877-870-8787  Anchor Inn has newly remodeled condos as well as hotel rooms. Anchor Inn has a bar and restaurant.

June’s Whittier Condo Suites: 907-841-5102 or 907-472-6001 

Tent camping/motorhome parking available at Creekside Campground, (907) 472-2670 or the City of Whittier has spaces available at the head of the bay on a first come/first served basis. There is an option to pay at the camping area.

If you are staying overnight in Whittier the night before your charter and you want to eat breakfast before boarding at 7 a.m., we recommend checking to see which restaurants will be open by 6 a.m. Wild Catch Café, near the harbor is usually open early. Anchor Inn is often open early.

Good Luck Fishing!

Quality Adventures in the Protected Waters of Prince William Sound!

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About Us
Our Boats

Contact Information

Whittier, Alaska 99693
Day Trips pls call Tami @
907-373-7447 or
Multiday Fishing and Hunting call
907-715-7447 or

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